Cheshire Community Action launches new Cheshire West Welcoming Spaces Fund for 2023-24
Cheshire Community Action is excited to announce the launch of the Welcoming Spaces Grant Fund for the year 2023-24, aimed at creating warm, inclusive spaces for residents facing cost-of-living challenges.
Committed to the well-being of its residents, Cheshire West & Chester Council has earmarked funds to support community buildings, groups, and schools in using their venues as Welcoming Spaces. These spaces will serve as hubs where local residents can access assistance with the rising costs of living, discover vital services, and connect with a network of support – all within a welcoming and friendly environment.
Administered by Cheshire Community Action on behalf of the Council, the Welcoming Spaces Grant Fund offers financial support in the form of grants of up to £2,500. While the standard expectation is one grant per applying organisation, the Council is open to considering multiple applications from organisations offering multiple welcoming spaces.
The funding is specifically designed to aid organisations in covering additional operational costs associated with establishing and maintaining a Welcoming Space, especially during the winter period and beyond. Grant recipients are encouraged to leverage these funds to enhance their financial sustainability, enabling them to continue their valuable activities beyond March 2024. Organisations must provide necessary monitoring information to ensure accountability and transparency of the Council funds.
The Welcoming Spaces Grant Fund seeks to:
- Save money on their energy bills,
- Access advice and information to navigate cost-of-living challenges,
- Foster community spirit and well-being through increased social interaction,
- Facilitate connectivity and a sense of belonging,
- Provide access to specialist support providers for those needing extra assistance during the winter and beyond.
Application Process
Applications must be sent via email to:
CCA will carry out initial due diligence checks on applications and may request additional information or clarification before submitting your form to the grants panel, which will make the final funding decision using a scoring system based on the eligibility criteria. You will be informed of the panel’s decision at the earliest convenience but no later than 2 weeks from the date when your application is submitted.
All funding offers will be subject to a signed agreement that will include a commitment by the recipient organisations to report on outputs and outcomes of the agreed funding purposes.
There are two panel dates corresponding to the application deadlines. Forms submitted after the first round will be rolled into the second round panel decision. Any applications submitted after the second and final round deadline will not be considered for funding.
Data on the usage of the warm spaces will be required for monitoring returns to the Council, and feedback will be requested to inform the evaluation. Details of this will be provided in grant offer letters.
Key Dates:
11th December 2023 – Launch Grant Scheme
26th January 2024 – application deadline
If you need any help with your application, please contact Cheshire Community Action on 01244 400222 or email