Following research we carried out last year and information gained via the ACRE Village Hall Energy Survey, we secured funding from the Cheshire East UK Shared Prosperity Fund for a project to provide support to community buildings in Cheshire East to help reduce their energy costs.

Our first three online sessions have successfully supported community building trustees and volunteers with practical advice on how to save energy and costs in their buildings. But its not too late to benefit from the support as we are running another free online session with Utility Aid on Wednesday 22nd November from 7.00pm for Cheshire East community buildings where Utility Aid will explain:

  • How they can help you review your energy bills and contracts to get the best deal;
  • How trustees and volunteers can benefit from a remote, affordable energy audit to do a bespoke assessment of your building, and make costed recommendations that will help you secure capital grant funding for energy efficiency projects and;
  • How its ‘Energy Champion’ service can train volunteers to increase awareness around energy issues and tactics for saving energy.

For those community buildings in Cheshire East that are planning significant renovations or changes to their building and want to ensure energy performance is an integral part of that work, we’re also running an online training session with a specialist architect – Reviving community buildings: energy efficiency strategies from an architect (19 October, 7.00pm) This session is targeted at community buildings considering investment into new energy efficiency measures and renewable heat generation.

To find out more about all the online training sessions and to book your place click here.

If you have any questions, please contact John Heselwood –